Remember the Image!

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This experiment tests your ability to remember an image.

On each trial, an image will appear, and then it will disappear. When it disappears, a "mask" image will appear to cover up the image, and then you will be given a chance to report what that image looked like.

After the mask image disappears, two images will appear. One of them is the image you saw, and the other is different. Using your arrow keys, select the image that you remember. If you think the left image is correct, press the left arrow key; if you think the right image is correct, press the right arrow key.

Remember: You must try to pick the image that exactly matches the one you saw!

By completing this survey or questionnaire, you are consenting to be in this research study. Your participation is voluntary and you can stop at any time.

(NOTE: When the experiment is done, a submit button should appear. To complete the study, please click the button.)


First, you'll do an example, so you can understand the task. In this example, the image will remain on screen the whole time. However, in the actual study, the image will disappear and you'll have to rely on your memory!

Once you choose the matching image by pressing on the correct arrow key, you can start the actual study. To reveal the image and the 2 options, press the "enter" key on your keyboard.

Press the left arrow key if you think the left image is the one you see. Press the right arrow key if you think the right image is the one you see.

Left arrow key.

Right arrow key.

Correct! Click the button below to start the experiment!

Start Experiment
Study Progress

Try to remember what the image looks like before it disappears! Press the "enter" key to reveal the image.

Press the left arrow key if you think the left image has is the one you saw. Press the right arrow key if you think the right image is the one you saw.

Left arrow key.

Right arrow key.

If you had to guess, what do you think was the purpose of this study?

Done! You can go ahead and submit the study using the button below. You will then be redirected to Prolific. Thank you!

You can also feel free to leave any comments below about how the experiment went, but that's up to you. Did everything seem to work OK?

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